In June 2016 the World Health Organization (WHO) published a
draft document "Guidelines on Validation - Appendix 4 Analytical Method
Validation". Comments on the text should be sent to WHO until July 30,
The appendix 4 of the published Supplementary guidelines on good manufacturing practices:
validation (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 937, 2006,
Annex 4) has been revised in view of current trends in validation. The
appendix presents some information on the characteristics that should be
considered during validation of analytical methods. Approaches other than
those specified in the Appendix may be followed and may be acceptable.
The new Appendix 4 is structured as follows (New and
1. Principle (revised):
1.5 The
recommendations as provided for in good laboratory practices and guidelines
for transfer of technology (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 961, 2011, Annex
7) should be considered, where applicable, when analytical method validation
is organized and planned.
2. General (revised):
- 2.6 The procedure should become part of a
continuous verification procedure to demonstrate that it meets the
predefined criteria over the life of the procedure.
- 2.7 Trend analysis and risk assessments should
be considered at intervals to ensure that the method is appropriate for
its intended application.
- 2.8 Changes to methods should be managed in
accordance with the authorized change control procedure.
- 2.9 The scope of verification or degree of
revalidation depend on the nature of the change(s) and the
outcome of risk assessment.
- 2.11 The data obtained during method validation
and verification should be considered covered by good anything practices
(GxP) requirements and are expected to follow the principles of good
data and record management practices. Their associated metadata are also
expected to be retained and subjected to good data and record management
practices (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 996, 2016, Annex 5).
- 2.12 When computerized systems are used to
obtain and process data relating to method validation and verification,
they should comply to the principles enunciated in Appendix 5 –
Validation of computerized systems.
- 2.13 Adequate attention should be paid to the
method of sample preparation.
- (...)
3. Pharmacopoeial methods
4. Non-pharmacopoeial methods
5. Method validation
6. Method verification (New):
- 6.1 Method verification should be performed for
already validated analytical methods, for example, when it is used on a
product for the first time (e.g. in case of a change in API supplier,
change in method of synthesis or after reformulation of a drug product).
- 6.2 Method verification may include only the
validation characteristics of relevance to the particular change.
- (...)
7. Method revalidation (New):
- 7.1 Methods should be maintained in a validated
state over the life of the method. Revalidation (see also ICH Q2) should
be considered whenever there are changes made to the analytical method
(e.g. changes to mobile phase, column, column temperature, detector).
- 7.2 In case of repeated SST failures or
when obtaining of doubtful results. In such cases an investigation
of the root cause should be performed, the appropriate changes made and
the method revalidated.
- 7.3 Periodic revalidation of analytical
methods should be considered according to a period that is
scientifically justifiable.
- (...)
8. Method transfer (New)
- 8.1 During method transfer, documented evidence
should be established to prove that a method has equivalent performance
when used in a laboratory different from that where it has been
originally validated.
- (...)
- 8.3 The two sets of results should be statistically
compared and the differences between the two sets of test results should
be within an acceptable range.
- 8.4 Method transfer should be performed before
testing of samples for obtaining critical data for a dossier, such as
process validation or stability studies or applied for routine use.
- (...)
9. Characteristics of analytical procedures (revised), 9.3
System suitability testing:
- 9.3.1 The suitability of the entire system
should be confirmed prior to and during method validation tests as well
as during the test of samples.
- 9.3.2 System suitability runs should include
only established standards or reference materials of known concentration
to provide an appropriate comparator for the potential variability of
the instrument.
- 9.3.3 Where a sample is used for system
suitability or a trial run, written procedures should be established and
followed and the results of all such trial runs be included in the
results and data review process. A sample can be used only if it is a
well characterized material. Characterization in such a case should be
performed prior to the use of this sample as part of system suitability
testing. The sample material or product under test should not be used
for trial run purposes or to evaluate suitability of the system (see WHO guidelines on good data and record
management practices).
The revised version of appendix 4 parallels certain
considerations of the current USP lifecycle approach for analytical method validation.
However, QbD concepts and the Analytical Target Profile (ATP) - which is
equivalent to the Quality Target Product Profile (QTPP) - have not yet been
introduced in the WHO draft.
According to WHO the draft of Appendix 4 will also be placed on
the WHO Medicines website under "Current projects".
Members of the ECA Academy are able to access the new WHO Guidelines
on Validation - Appendix 4 Analytical Method Validation in
the ECA Members Area.
Source: GMP news
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